Broker Price Opinion in a very simple sentence is the estimation of the probable value of properties in the US. We are specialized in doing all type of BPOs. Delivering our orders with 100% efficiency is our strong suit. We follow the guidelines issued by the various companies with 95% of the quality.

We have been assisting US-based realtors, brokers, and real estate companies with high-accuracy valuations for the last 7+ years. Our wealth of experience is due to our determination to jump through the hoops.

We keep up with the orders and clients queries 24/7 via chat and emails. We do provide custom contents such as MLS fields, comments and adjustments for our valued clients. We are ready to alter our services depending on the needs of the clients.

We render BPO services from stem to stern. We are using remote desktops which is virtual server located in Philadelphia US which help us to stay ahead of the game always. Customer satisfactions are always our prime concern. We work passionately to nurture our clients to glow professionally beyond horizons. Your BPO's are safe in our skilled hands.



    • Exterior
    • Interior
    • Property Condition Reports
    • Exterior
    • Interior
    • Property Condition Reports

Cherry on the cake !!!

We complete normal exterior orders within 24 hours of time and interiors in 12 hours.

We do take rush and super rush orders and complete them within the stipulated time.

We complete bulk orders within a day of time with maximum standard.

Our Mission

We shall endeavor to produce and deliver services to clients, in low cost, through high quality, speed and efficiency leading to satisfied clients who will fuel the growth of our company.

Our Vision

To become the best quality assured service provider in all our work areas.

Our Process

  • 01

    Order Acceptance

    Implements a process to approve or accept all orders that come under specific county or zip codes with preferred fees as advised by the specific clients.

  • 02


    Process of collecting comprehensive data by selecting properties with similar subject attributes and comparing their prices to come up with a value for the subject.

  • 03

    Data Entry

    Entering the collected data into the forms provided by the companies or the clients.

  • 04

    Uploading Photos

    Uploading the photos into the forms after acknowledging the subject condition and thereby adding date stamps on the pictures with the preferred dates by the clients.

  • 05


    All the orders are being rigorously scrutinized prior to submission to make sure the quality of work to the fullest. Experienced and skilled team members are exclusively reserved for the process to enhance maximum standard.

  • 06


    Final dish of the full-course meal. Submitting the orders.

  • 07

    Quality Control Check

    Process of reviewing, analyzing and understanding the reason for the order being rejected and clearing the errors or inaccuracy as proposed in the revision request and thereby resubmitting it.

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